Selasa, 02 September 2014

PDF⋙ Green Town USA: The Handbook for America's Sustainable Future by Thomas J. Fox

Green Town USA: The Handbook for America's Sustainable Future by Thomas J. Fox

Green Town USA: The Handbook for America's Sustainable Future

Green Town USA: The Handbook for America's Sustainable Future by Thomas J. Fox PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"There was never a town with a truer name, though it didn't really discover it till tragedy created an opportunity that residents seized with head and heart!"
— Bill McKibben, author Oil and Honey:The Education of an Unlikely Activist

Hope for a greener America . . . from the extraordinary community that made it a reality.

Green Town U.S.A. recounts Greensburg’s inspiring story of resilience, community, and sustainability which began on the evening of May 4, 2007, when disaster struck the quiet Kansas city. A tornado topping all the scales touched down, and in a matter of minutes, Greensburg, which stood for more than 120 years, was destroyed.

Greensburg committed to reconstructing itself from the ground up while embracing green technology and building methods, along with solar and wind energy. The new Greensburg stands testament to the strength and viability of sustainable community redevelopment and energy-efficient living.

Green Town U.S.A. is a story of hope and opportunity—even in the face of obstacles and difficulties—and provides a real-world proving ground for sustainable solutions. Green Town U.S.A. takes you through the entire reconstruction process, from Long-Term Community Recovery planning for Greensburg, to the latest advancements in green materials and technology, to the leadership and teambuilding necessary to realize an achievement of this magnitude.

Every town can be a “green town.” Any community faced with rebuilding after a natural disaster, planning new municipal buildings or schools, upgrading retail or industrial centers, or building homes can gain valuable insight from the example of Greensburg, Kansas.

Green Town U.S.A. is an invaluable handbook for civic leaders, concerned citizens, business owners, and anyone who is a stakeholder in America’s sustainable future.

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