Rabu, 10 September 2014

PDF⋙ A Fox's Tail (American Kitsune) (Volume 2) by Mr. Brandon Varnell

A Fox's Tail (American Kitsune) (Volume 2) by Mr. Brandon Varnell

A Fox's Tail (American Kitsune) (Volume 2)

A Fox's Tail (American Kitsune) (Volume 2) by Mr. Brandon Varnell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Kevin's life has finally started settling down. Sure, he still has to deal with Lilian's zany antics, but desensitization has set in at last and he's actually beginning to enjoy the gorgeous Kitsune's continued presence. Too bad he's in denial. Unfortunately, while the waters of his life appear relatively calm, things are about to get ecchi--I mean ugly.

A tsundere dressed in Gothic Lolita fashion...
A boy whose hair is bigger than his brain...
A new enemy that makes Chris Fleischer look like a fifty pound weakling...
Trying to admit his feelings for a certain tomboy... 
Not to mention Lilian herself. Yeah, Kevin's got problems, and life can only get more strenuous from here on out. Oh well. At least he hasn't been turned into a Harem Protagonist.

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