Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Thirty Chic Days: Practical inspiration for a beautiful life by Fiona Ferris

Thirty Chic Days: Practical inspiration for a beautiful life by Fiona Ferris

Thirty Chic Days: Practical inspiration for a beautiful life

Thirty Chic Days: Practical inspiration for a beautiful life by Fiona Ferris PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Is it possible to live a chic and elegant life if you don't live in Paris, or even France? Instead of daydreaming about running away to the City of Light, 'Thirty Chic Days' invites you to put on your French-tinted sunglasses and view your everyday through an enchanting and motivating filter. Inside this book you will find thirty chapters (or 'days') full of joie de vivre sharing fun and exciting ways to bring your ideal chic life into being. 'Thirty Chic Days' is a warm, encouraging and fanciful guide on living a simple and beautiful French-inspired life. Enjoy dozens of delicious no-cost ideas and feel inspired to uplevel yourself and your surroundings in an effortless and enjoyable way. Through her popular blog howtobechic.com author Fiona Ferris provides thousands of women from all around the world with tools and inspiration to elevate the everyday from mundane to magical. Contents: Day 1 Have a Paris state of mind Day 2 Eat real food Day 3 Bathe yourself in mystique Day 4 Make up your eyes Day 5 Create and guard your secret garden Day 6 Be your own French aunt Day 7 Honour your body with chic movement Day 8 Be beautifully positive Day 9 Support your signature charity Day 10 Simplify your life for abundance Day 11 Adopt a low-drama way of being Day 12 Curate your wardrobe like it is your own bijou boutique Day 13 Indulge in your femininity Day 14 Design the life of your dreams Day 15 Cultivate serenity and calmness in your life Day 16 Create a sanctuary at home Day 17 Take exquisite care of your grooming Day 18 Little and often Day 19 Socialise in a relaxed manner Day 20 Be your own chef Day 21 Inspire yourself Day 22 Build rest and repose into your daily routine Day 23 Be financially chic Day 24 Live a life of luxury Day 25 Collect contentment in petite measures Day 26 Make every day magical Day 27 Embrace creativity and enjoy the benefits Day 28 Think of your home as if it were a boutique hotel Day 29 Walk your errands Day 30 Immerse yourself in sensuous beauty Bonus Day Take inspired action If you enjoyed Jennifer L. Scott’s ‘Lessons from Madame Chic’, Tish Jett’s ‘Forever Chic’ or Shannon Ables’ ‘Choosing the Simply Luxurious Life’, you will love ‘Thirty Chic Days’!

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