Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

PDF⋙ Vito Hannibal Acconci Studio by Jean-Charles Massera, Lilian Pfaff, Christophe Wavelet

Vito Hannibal Acconci Studio by Jean-Charles Massera, Lilian Pfaff, Christophe Wavelet

Vito Hannibal Acconci Studio

Vito Hannibal Acconci Studio by Jean-Charles Massera, Lilian Pfaff, Christophe Wavelet PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The influential, provocative, and often radical art-making practices of Vito Acconci have earned him international recognition. Acconci has been a vital presence in contemporary art since the late 1960s; his confrontational and ultimately political works have evolved from writing to conceptual art, bodyworks, performance, film, video, multimedia installation and architectural sculpture. This catalogue presents a complete selection of a wide range of Acconci's works (accompanied by a text on each project), an interview with the artist, an extensive bibliography, and includes a DVD with three 20-minute videos in which Acconci narrates.

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