Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ One Kind Word by Kathryn Palmateer

One Kind Word by Kathryn Palmateer

One Kind Word

One Kind Word by Kathryn Palmateer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

One Kind Word: Women Share Their Abortion Stories is a groundbreaking collection that helps to end the silence surrounding abortion experiences and to combat the feelings of fear, shame, stigma, and isolation that many women face. By featuring over thirty womens personal experiences and portraits, One Kind Word shifts the focus of the abortion debate towards creating a more open, honest, and compassionate dialogue about reproductive freedom in Canada. The stories and portraits in One Kind Word remind us that women who have had abortions come from all backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and ages. Women who have had abortions are our mothers, sisters, grandmothers, lovers, friends, neighbours, doctors, teachers, and politicians.One Kind Word features forewords by prominent feminist and pro-choice activist Judy Rebick, as well as Jillian Bardsley of Medical Students for Choice.

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