Clinical Skills Review: Scenarios Based on Standardized Patients
Clinical Skills Review: Scenarios Based on Standardized Patients PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
More cases = more success on your exam When you take your clinical skills exam, every case you know counts. Prepare quickly and efficiently for your clinical exam with the updated third edition of this bestselling OSCE study guide. Written by Canadian doctors, Clinical Skills Review presents 134 cases based on scenarios you’ll encounter on the MCCQE II and CFPC certification exams. An essential resource for Canadian medical students and international medical graduates seeking a licence to practise medicine in Canada, Clinical Skills Review is also a valuable supplemental guide for the USMLE Step 2 CS. Features of the new edition include:- Comprehensive coverage of typical clinical situations.
- A systematic approach to clinical skills.
- Indexes of cases and medical abbreviations for easy reference.
- Time-tested mnemonics to help you excel on the exam.
- Aids for group study, since practice is the best way to prepare.
- Cases organized by categories found on the MCCQE II: Medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, preventive medicine and community health, psychiatry and neurology, and surgery.
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