Rough Carpentry Illustrated by Elizabeth Williams, Robert Williams
Rough Carpentry Illustrated by Elizabeth Williams, Robert Williams PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Rough carpentry is the process of building the skeleton of a home - the part of a house that is invisible when the structure is complete. These include wall and ceiling frames, roof supports, rafters, floor frames, and foundations. This book is a guide to rough carpentry for beginners who want to build their own houses or cabins, add on rooms or garages, or remodel run-down properties. Do-it-yourself builders should be able to save money and make sure their framing jobs are done exactly to their tastes. Focusing on projects that readers are most likely to attempt, and installing decks and porches, the authors break rough carpentry down into simple bite-sized steps. Added to this edition are new bridging techniques used in floor framing, new plywood building methods, more detail on roof and dormer framing and coverage on the use of stepped footings on sloped building lots.From reader reviews:
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