The Truth Agenda: Making Sense of Unexplained Mysteries, Global Cover-Ups & Visions for a New Era by Andy Thomas
The Truth Agenda: Making Sense of Unexplained Mysteries, Global Cover-Ups & Visions for a New Era by Andy Thomas PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Truth Agenda explores some of the most famous unexplained mysteries and global cover-ups of recent history. What is the truth about UFOs, pyramids, religious apparitions, psychic phenomena, visions of the future and ancient prophecies, and what is their connection to famous conspiracy theories concerning the Moon landings, 9/11, the New World Order, and claims that the planet is secretly run by a powerful ruling elite? Leading mysteries researcher Andy Thomas pulls the many threads together in an accessible, stimulating and credible overview which suggests that our world may be very different from the picture presented by the establishment. The Truth Agenda shows how we can avoid control manipulations and help to create a more positive future. Why do so many people believe in conspiracy theories, and what is the evidence to support them? What is the basis for the wide belief that we are now in a 'New Era' of massive change and consciousness shift? Why is there such huge but officially undeclared interest in paranormal phenomena from authorities and religions? How does all this tie together and explain the agendas of control and surveillance in the West, and what can we do?From reader reviews:
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