International Organizations and the Analysis of Economic Policy, 1919-1950 (Historical Perspectives on Modern Economics) by Anthony M. Endres, Grant A. Fleming
International Organizations and the Analysis of Economic Policy, 1919-1950 (Historical Perspectives on Modern Economics) by Anthony M. Endres, Grant A. Fleming PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
From the end of World War I through the early years of the Cold War, international organizations such as the League of Nations, International Labor Organization, the Bank for International Settlements, and the United Nations had a major influence on policies adopted among member nations. This book surveys ideas produced by those organizations on such vital matters as the international business cycle; trade policy; social policy; public expenditure; taxation and government investment activity; money and exchange rate management; wage setting and full employment and the rich country-poor country divide. The work reveals explicit normative agendas underlying international political economy, and lessons are distilled for today's debates on international economic integration.From reader reviews:
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