Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Art and Architecture of the World's Religions (2 Volume Set) by Leslie D. Ross

Art and Architecture of the World's Religions (2 Volume Set) by Leslie D. Ross

Art and Architecture of the World's Religions (2 Volume Set)

Art and Architecture of the World's Religions (2 Volume Set) by Leslie D. Ross PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Beginning with the ancient worlds of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome and moving forward through time, Art and Architecture of the World's Religions explores the major faiths from countries and continents around the globe, helping readers better understand the creations their beliefs have inspired. After tracing the history and development of a religion, the book provides a general overview of its principal beliefs and key practices. It then offers specific examples of how works of art/architecture reflect that religion's values.

The focus of each chapter is on the temples, churches, and religious buildings, statues, paintings, and other works of art and architecture created by believers. Each representative work of art or architecture is examined in terms of its history, materials, symbols, colors, and patterns, as its significance is explained to the reader. With extensive illustrations, these volumes are the definitive reference work on art and architecture of the world's religions.

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